Monday, September 10, 2007

Upcoming Trial to Test Illinois Medical Malpractice Caps

A St. Louis Post-Dispatch article nicely summarizes some of the effects attributed to medical malpractice reform in Illinois over the past two years, and whether caps on damages will stand in upcoming trial.

The article (At 2-year anniversary, Illinois' malpractice law nears first court challenge) states, "Later this month, the law will be tested before a Cook County judge. The question before the court will be whether caps on the damages for pain and suffering in a malpractice lawsuit are constitutional."

All eyes will be on Chicago lawyer, Jeffrey Goldberg, who will challenge the caps "on behalf of an infant who was born with severe brain damage. Goldberg alleges a botched delivery and argues the caps simply don't allow a jury to award enough money." Read full story...

Here is a link where you can listen to an NPR segment on the case and related tort reform in Illinois (from February).

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